Helping young people who have aged out of foster care achieve economic independence

Children’s Aid and Family Services provides Mobility Mentoring to young people, ages 17 – 24, who have aged out of foster care. These are critical years of transition to adulthood, and this program offers tools and support to help participants create self-sufficiency and reach their life goals.

Mobility Mentoring partners a dedicated mentor with clients so that, over time, participants develop the maturity and skills needed to achieve and maintain economic independence. The program is modeled on the five pillars to success developed by

Empath Economic Mobility Pathway

  • Family stability

  • Physical and mental well-being

  • Financial management

  • Educational attainment

  • Employment and career

Empath Economic Mobility Pathway

  • Family stability

  • Physical and mental well-being

  • Financial management

  • Educational attainment

  • Employment and career

Our professionally trained Mobility Mentoring Specialist works with each participant to build life skills in all areas. They work together to break down the goals into achievable steps.

Participants are also provided with a financial stipend to help with educational expenses such as books, transportation, rental costs or emergency expenses. The Mobility Mentoring Specialist works with clients so they know how to access community resources for help with career development, health care, mental health and other services as needed.

Mobility Mentoring is a five-year program. It is funded by the generosity of our donors and is offered at no charge to participants.

Interested in becoming a part of Mobility Mentoring?

Please call our Program Mentor at 201-740-7028 for more information.


95% of mentees are living independently in their own apartments, a sharp contrast to the 84% of participants that experienced housing instability when they started the program.
95% of participants are applying newly learned financial literacy skills and have active bank accounts.
85% of mentees are either working or going to school.
100% of participants in the Mobility Mentoring program feel the program has been helpful in achieving their goals.

A young woman shares the impact of Mobility Mentoring on her life

“I feel seen and like I always have someone in my corner. They are there for you and so helpful.”


“The best part of Mobility Mentoring is setting my goals and being able to accomplish them.”


“They help you on your goals and with professional connections.”


Interested in becoming a part of Mobility Mentoring?
Please call our Program Mentor at 201-740-7028 for more information.